How to Optimize Blog Post To Increase Google Search Traffic for Blogger Blog

The 6 Secrets on How to Optimize Blog Post To Increase Google Search Traffic for Blogger Blog
As you can see there are lot of new sites emerging in search engine search result even they are new they are competing with the old and authority sites out there in every specific keywords. The questions arises to every webmasters or blog owner how come these things happens these days. There is always a secret and tactics to be developed to get that authority in search engine results. Today I will be teaching you my secrets on how I made my every post shows in every keyword I choose.

The 6 Secrets on How to Optimize Blog Post To Increase Google Search Traffic for Blogger Blog

1. Optimize Every Blog Title

Yes It is so important that your blog title should be well optimize in extent that search engine can easily craw it and show your post in a keyword that best fits on it. If you are new in the field of blogging, it would be interesting for you to know about the usages of different Header tags. Normally we use “H1″ tag for blog titles, “H2″ and “H3″ tags for blog post titles. By Default, Blogger assign “H3″ tags to Blog post titles. If you want to prioritize your blog post titles for search engines, simply change it to “H2″ tag. I made a tutorial before on how to optimized the "HI" tag in blogger blogs here

2. Create Permalink for your Blog Post

Take not that you must always create permalink for every blog post you are creating because it is good way to get good search result for every blog post on search engine. When you write a post, Blogger automatically generates a permalink based on the title of the post. Until now, blog authors have had no control of the permalink. Custom permalinks give you more control of your blog and posts. These new custom links also provide readers with more information about your post when scanning search results.  When you creating permalink remember that it should not be above 30 character.

Once you click Permalink, you’ll see that the option for automatic posting is selected as default. To create your own URL for this specific post, simply select Custom, and type in your new URL. If you wrote the post in March of 2012, your new URL will look like this:

The bolded area is the part of the URL that is customizable.. Remember to use target keyword in your custom permalink. You can check below image to better understand.

3. Write a Great or Unique Contents

What’s one of the most crucial challenges a blogger faces? Blog content creation. Apart from “other” regular activities like blog promotion, advertising, connecting, SEOing, etc., a blogger should indulge in creating quality content on a consistent manner. Successful bloggers have to keep their heads around many different aspects of the medium – but at it’s core is being able to write compelling and engaging content on a consistent basis over timeGoogle always loves quality rather than quantity. It is good to publish only one quality and unique content per day or alternate day rather than publishing more non quality content in single day. Your unique content always get first choice by Google and get indexed fast. You might noticed that most of my post get quick indexed and shows on first page on Google search result.

4. Add ALT Tag in Blogger Images in Your Every Post

These ALT tags inform search engines bots about your images categories, so that they can include it in their results based on a user query. For example, suppose I uploaded a image in my blog without an ALT tag, search engine bots can discover it but are not able to categorize it, hence they would not include it in their search results but on the other hand if I had added an ALT tag to it such as “The Blog Services”, then they include my image in their results whenever a user searches for images related to image The Blog Services  This would help you in getting a good amount of organic traffic.

alt title and alt text of blog post thebloservices

5. Use Social Media to Increase Your Blog Traffic

The most important step to attracting your target market is creating relevant content that attracts your target audience. From there, your readers can help your spread the word about your content using one-click Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus sharing widgets:
  • Ask Visitors to Follow Your Blog – Even if visitors like your blog post, there’s no guarantee they’ll return to your blog. However, they will almost certainly engage on social media sites. Therefore, the more your readers share your content, the higher your chances of gaining new readers from Twitter and Facebook posts.
  • Make Social Media Sharing Simple for Visitors – Make sure that your blog gives readers a simple means of sharing your content within their own social networks. Your blog should include visually noticeable social sharing icons on the blog’s home page, sidebar and/or after each post.

Setting fir automatically shares Blogger posts to your Google+

1. Go to Blogger dashboard.
2. Click on Google+.
3. Select one profile and select share automatically option.
4. Now Save your blog and done.

Setting fir automatically shares Blogger posts to your Google+

6. Submit your Every Post to Major Webmaster (Bing and Google Webmaster)

Google Webmaster is a tool where you can Submit your website/blog and sitemap and ever post. Once you submit your website sitemap, Google will start sending bots to your blog, and start crawling your blog pages and posts. Ok now follow the step by step guide to Verify your blog in Google and Submit your sitemap here.  One you create post of yours you must submit your post into your Google webmaster account on the Fetch as Google, this will instantly index your  post in Google search., take note that submitting sitemap will do this but it may take up to 2-3 days before your post to be indexed by using sitemap submitter.
submit your post into your Google webmaster account on the Fetch as Google
Bing Webmaster is a tool where you can Submit your website/blog and sitemap. Once you submit your website sitemap, Bing will start sending bots to your blog, and start crawling your blog pages and posts. Ok now read the step by step guide below to Verify your blog in Bing and Submit your sitemap here.  One you create post of yours you must submit your post into your Bing webmaster account  too same as on Google Webmaster on the Submit URL, this will instantly index your  post in Yahoo Search., take note that submitting sitemap will do this but it may take up to 2-3 days before your post to be indexed by using sitemap submitter.

submit your post into your Bing webmaster account  too same as on Google Webmaster on the Submit URL

Note: You may share your experiences how you make your blogs traffic increases in the comment box below, if you need further assistance regarding this article post your comment below.

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